Friday, July 2, 2010

K-os in the Capital

July first is a huge day in Canada. Its a chance for the whole country to get together and have one huge party. In downtown Ottawa, there is always a good time to be found. Buskers, face painters, fireworks, bars and beers are to be found. One other perk of living in the capital is the show that is put on at Parliament Hill.

This years lineup included the Barenaked Ladies, Johnny Reid, and K-os. Special hosts included Ron Maclean and actor Christopher Plummer. With that being said, I printed some photos and headed downtown with hopes of them being signed.

Diane and I arrived downtown at around 10:30am and immediately saw thousands of people waiting around. One big difference between this Canada Day and those of years past was the presence of the Queen. People had packed Parliament Hill by 9:00am and there was no hope of getting anywhere near the hill.

Diane met up with some of her friends and I met up with Steve to try and grab some autographs. There was no hope on parliament hill, so we headed to Major's Hill park to try and meet K-os. When we arrived, he was on stage already as part of the afternoon show. After he was done performing, Steve and I headed to the side of the stage area to try and meet the indie rocker/hip hop artist.

After a few minutes K-os came out of backstage and we were able to grab a graph and a photo right away. He was in a bit of a hurry, obviously trying to avoid some of the crowd that might gather.
After we met K-os we walked around the market and met back up with Diane, and then with Pete and Dana. Eventually we ended up back at Parliament Hill after the Queen had left and the crowd had scattered. There were definately some characters on the hill that day.

It was definately interesting to see the costumes, but there wasn't really much of a correlation to Canada Day.

After failing miserably to find any of the people we were looking for, we headed back to Major's Hill Park for K-os' performance. He put on a pretty good show.

As 10pm neared we headed back to Parliament for some fireworks.

Its unfortunate that we didn't get to meet all of the guys we were looking for, but at least we met one of them.

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