Friday, March 26, 2010

Sens Army

I figured that since I had been meeting other teams all season that it was time to actually meet the home team. With that though in mind, I took Thursday morning off work and heading down to the Sens practice at the Bell Sensplex.

I got to the arena at around 9:30, just in case some of the players decided to show up early. Now, the funny thing about practices at the Sensplex are that the Sens get dressed in their equipment at Scotiabank Place and then drive over to the practice arena in their gear. Seeing players drive up in full gear (including helmets), except for skates, is one of the funniest things I've seen from professional hockey players.

There were four of us waiting for autographs before practice. It was actually a good thing too, not because I needed help knowing who the players were, but because three or four carloads of players would all arrive at the same time. Its tough to get more than one guy ata time when you are by yourself.

Players began showing up shortly after ten o'clock. I had already met some of the team so I let a bunch of players go by without bugging them. I did grab autographs from Erik Karlsson and Alexei Kovalev before the practice. Karlsson was a great guy. I guess its good to get players early on in their career before they become superstars, that way they still have a nice graph. Soon his signature with just be "EK". I'm almost sure of it. The AAA bantam tournament was happening at the Sensplex at the same time as the Sens practice and people soon began to notice. Crowds filled the practice arena to watch. I decided I would head back outside after a short while to make sure I didnt miss any of the players as they came off the ice.

After the practice there was only myself and one other guy waiting for players. Most of them were more than happy to sign autographs. Spezza, Carkner, Regin, Sutton, and Cullen all signed for me after practice. Alfie and Phillips didnt practice on that day, and for some reason Fisher, Volchenkov, and Neil decided that they didn't want to sign on that day. I hear that Neil is actually a pretty bad signer. He just ignored us when we called him to ask for a signature. Strange how the good players signed.

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