Thursday, August 12, 2010

House at the End of the Street

House at the End of the Street is a horror movie that is just wrapping up filming in Ottawa. The plot, according to, is as follows: "a young girl moves to a new town with her mother. Upon arriving, she discovers her abode is right across the street from one in which a double murder occurred. Even eerier, she winds up befriending the bloodbath's only survivor".

There aren't a lot of movies that are filmed in Ottawa. We have been fortunate enough to have a couple of movies filmed in town this year with known hollywood celebrities. One was back in early spring with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Christian Slater (see my blog entry entitled "Sacrifice"). Another made-for-tv movie called Metal Tornado, starring Lou Diamond Phillips, just wrapped up. House at the End of the Street features Elisabeth Shue and relatively unknowns Jennifer Lawrence and Max Theriot. It also has a small part for Gil Bellows of Shawshank Redemption and Ally Mcbeal fame.

The movie was filming at Algonquin College, so I decided to make the five minute drive to see what I could find. When I arrived, I saw signs pointing to the set and to the basecamp.

I met up with Steve and we headed to the park by the school where the movie set for part of the shoot was located. The scene involved Jennifer Lawrence and another actress walking down a path and seeing Max Theriot. A small discussion occurs and Max and Jennifer leave together.

It appeared that the scene had just started filming, so we decided to go and grab some food. When we returned, I looked for a parking spot, and then I walked back to where the set was. When I arrived, I saw Jennifer Larence getting into a car and Steve walking up to the passenger side window. She rolled down the window and started signing for him, so I quickly ran over. She signed my photos and then pulled away.

Why was meeting her such a big deal? Jennifer Lawrence could be huge. She will be featured on the cover of W Magazine in the month of September as one of the up and coming young actresses to watch for. She has become a lead actress and is even signed on for the new X-Men: First Class movie. See what I mean.

I decided I would wait around a bit to see if Max Theriot would return from his trailer. After a short while of waiting, Jennifer Lawrence returned to the set in her car. She then jogged back to her trailer. On her way back to the set she was jogging again, and I quickly asked if I could grab a photo with her. She told me that she was really sorry but was due on set. So we waited a bit longer. After she was done she came over and took pictures with us.

After another short while, I decided it was time to leave. Elisabeth Shue and Gil Bellows weren't on set, so I would come back another time and hopefully get Max Theriot then.

We returned the next day and waited. And then waited some more. Not much was happening until we finally saw some of the crew arrive at basecamp. They eventually started setting up a set outside, near the cafeteria.

The good news was that eventually we saw Gil Bellows and Elisabeth Shue arrive by their trailers. They went into them and changed, and then they were driven around the school to the set. A few people had gathered in the overpass to see what was happening. They were filming a scene where Gil and Elisabeth were sitting on a bench outside of what seemed to be a hospital.
All the extras were dressed in doctor/nurse gear and were sitting on the picnic tables as if they were on a lunch break.

We figured that the only way we could grab them would be after they were done filming in a passageway between the set and the street where their drivers were parked. But, to my surprise, the two entered the school in between takes to get their makeup touched up.

Elisabeth Shue entered the school and turned the corner into some room. I wasn't able to get close enough to the room as there were crew members everywhere. Eventually I saw Gil Bellows standing near the bottom of the stairs. Just as I was about to approach, Elisabeth Shue came into the hallway also. I quickly pulled out here photos and placed them on top of Gil's. I moved a bit closer and asked her if she could sign. "No problem", she said.

She looked at my first photo from the Karate Kid and started talking to Gil about it. "Look at this. This is where it all started. Look how fat I was." It was pretty funny. She then signed photos for me from Back to the Future 2, Adventures in Babysitting, and Hollowman.

She saw that I had a photo of Gil also so she handed him the pen. He only gave me initials on my Shawshank photo. I was a bit disappointed because that one would have been my preference for a nice graph. He gave me a full signature on the Ally Mcbeal photo though.

I then asked if I could get a photo with them both and they were happy to do it.

Elisabeth Shue was so nice that I might even go see Piranha 3D just because she is in it. Maybe not. Max Theriot was never seen.

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